A Comment On Comments

We’re up to 152 comments on our proposal for E Harrison Street End (aka Hidden Beach) . Go team!

The vast majority of comments are enthusiastically positive. In fact, there’s only one comment that doesn’t like the proposal — from an attorney working for the northern property owners.

The attorney has surfaced a seemingly troubling fact—Hidden Beach is a wetland. Not really. This is a known mis-classification that is used only when it suits the property owners (the wetland constraints magically end at their property line!). The wetland is a nothing burger, or as Friends of Street Ends’ Marty Oppenheimer says:
“THE highest and best use of a shoreline street end IS Public Access.  Period, moving on!”

The public has rallied. Woot!

The property owners (who knowingly purchased property next to a public street end) want to limit use by the public through encroachments and a bogus “wetland” maneuver. Don’t believe the hype.

You can leave more than one comment if you have additional thoughts, or encourage fellow neighbors and beach goers to comment. Let’s see if we can get to 200 comments!

How to Submit Your Comment (Takes Less Than 2 Minutes!)

1️⃣ Use a Chrome or Edge browser (Safari can be tricky*).

2️⃣ Click this link to open the comment page:

👉 Seattle Public Comment Portal

3️⃣ Add your comment, and submit! 🎉

* If you can’t add a comment via the above link, you can click here to email your comment directly to the City (they have agreed to post it for those having trouble).


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